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Cedar Music Advancement Programme (MAP)



For ages 4 and above




Keyboard Technique as a Foundation

Aside from learning the instrument of choice, all Beginners Level classes of Cedar Music Advancement Programme include the instruction of basic keyboard technique on the piano. Cedar believes it is important for every child who wants to learn an instrument to receive basic keyboard technique training because it lays an important foundation and facilities learning of other instruments. Basic keyboard technique helps a child learn to read music, develop a sense of pitch and dynamics and understand music theory.


Individual Learning and Small Group Learning are Equally Important

When children learn and play as a group, they inspire and motivate each other. Peer learning allows children to learn faster while they also learn how to cooperate with and respect one another.


Truly Best-in-Class Faculty

All of the Cedar Music Advancement Programme instrumental teachers at Cedar Institute for Performing Arts are highly qualified. Many of our teachers are top graduates of various music conservatories around the world including The Julliard School, Eastman School of Music, Royal Academy of Music, etc. All of our teachers have attained at least the performance diploma level (ATCL, LTCL, FTCL, DipABRSM, LRSM, FRSM) or equivalent and they were award recipients of various international and local music competitions.

Cedar Academy

9/F, 239 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2886 8585

Whatsapp: +852 5285 3256

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